The Market Hours of Operation: St. Teresa of Calcutta: CLOSED: 1/6/25, OPEN: 1/7/25, CLOSED: 1/8/25 – 01/17/25, resuming 1/21/2025. St. Juan Diego: CLOSED: 1/6/25 – 1/7/2025 OPEN: 1/8/25, CLOSED: 1/9/25 – 1/10/25, resuming 1/13/2025.
Resources to help victims of domestic violence
The Mickey Joseph story has put a spotlight on domestic violence.
In Nebraska one in three women and one in four men have experienced domestic violence, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. They also say on an average 20 people per minute are abused by an intimate partner.
“Domestic violence takes many forms; verbal abuse, sexual abuse and financial abuse,” said Dave Vankat, the Chief Community Engagement Officer at Catholic Charities.
Many organizations like Catholic Charities are ready to assist anyone in need of help. They have a hotline available 24/7 for those looking to escape this type of situation. That hotline is 402-558-5700.
“People escaping violence need a lot of courage and bravery and they need support from others. We understand it takes multiple times for a survivor to escape an abusive relationship,” said Vankat.
Workers know each situation is different, so they help victims find the best solution for them, including providing rides and shelter for those who need it.
Other groups like Heartland Family have a check list of things people may need to take when they leave an abusive relationship such as identification, medication, money, and legal papers, among other things.
They can contact their 24 hour crisis line at 1-800-523-3666 for assistance. All calls and assistance is confidential.
Some of the services they offer are: 24 Hour Crisis line, shelter, and free legal advocacy.
Another comprehensive resource is the National Domestic Violence Hotline. You can get to their website by clicking here.
Story Courtesy of KPTM: