Catholic Charities of Omaha hosts 19th annual Turkey Day distribution
OMAHA, Neb. —
Thanksgiving is just days away, and Catholic Charities of Omaha is helping families put a meal on the table.
On Monday, the organization hosted its 19th Turkey Day Giveaway.
Summer Rambo told KETV NewsWatch 7 that this makes her even more thankful this holiday season.
“I actually think it’s very awesome,” Rambo said.
Rambo said she was walking along 31st Street when she noticed a long line.
“I came over here to take the initiative and join in and see what was going on, and they’re doing a Thanksgiving drive,” Rambo said.
Rambo considers herself homeless, but says she’s thankful this holiday season.
“People that are in need or for their families such as myself are able to obtain some of these great things they’re about to give away such as a turkey and fixings,” Rambo said.
This is the 19th year Catholic Charities has given out Thanksgiving meals to people in need.
“We have enough food for 340 turkeys and all the fixings that you would need. From mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetables, flour, oil, all the things you need plus dessert to make a great Thanksgiving meal,” Dave Vankat, chief community engagement officer with Catholic Charities of Omaha, said.
Vankat added that in recent years, they’ve seen the need increase.
“Absolutely, first the pandemic and then inflation and joblessness and some of the issues that followed it. That really impacted the people coming to us for need,” Vankat said.
He said they’re able to meet the need thanks to donations and volunteers who pay it forward.
“We know that we have to be here to help support those through their time of crisis. We have volunteers that come back to help us after they’ve received food,” Vankat said.
For Rambo, the giveaway is an unexpected blessing — helping her have a happy Thanksgiving.
“We’re hungry, we need something to fill our bellies and it gathers people. I’m just hoping that we take the initiative and be grateful this year for it,” Rambo said.
Story Courtesy of KETV: