The Market Hours of Operation:  St. Teresa of Calcutta: CLOSED: 1/6/25, OPEN: 1/7/25, CLOSED: 1/8/25 – 01/17/25, resuming 1/21/2025. St. Juan Diego: CLOSED: 1/6/25 – 1/7/2025 OPEN: 1/8/25, CLOSED: 1/9/25 – 1/10/25, resuming 1/13/2025.

Amanda Buscher

Amanda Buscher, LCSW

Amanda Buscher serves as a School Mental Health Therapist at St Mary’s Bellevue, Our Lady of Lourdes and Duchesne Academy.  She does outpatient therapy and provides supervision support for her colleagues seeking dual license in social work and therapy. She holds a Bachelors and Masters of Social Work from the University of Nebraska- Omaha.  Amanda has worked in many different areas as a social worker and therapist including case management in the Omaha community, hospitals, clinics and hospice care- serving all ages from infant to 107yrs old throughout her career.  

Amanda primarily utilizes cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness techniques, systems approach and her social work training to support her clients. She is also trained in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and grief counseling.  Amanda believes in looking at the whole person in order to serve each individual in the best way possible.  

TF-CBT- a form of therapy to assist children up to 19y in managing traumatic experiences.  In TF-CBT, the client learns about their specific trauma and follows a specific treatment plan which allows the client to learn to cope with their trauma and be able to share their story with their support system.  TF-CBT also includes education and support to the child’s caregivers as part of the therapeutic process.

Grief Counseling- after serving all ages in 20 years of hospice care as both a social worker and bereavement counselor, Amanda has gained expertise in assisting clients in managing grief and loss. In grief counseling, the client learns about the grief process and ways to cope with their loss.  


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Non-Discrimination Statement Catholic Charities Domestic Violence Services prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, and activities. Services will not be denied to victims of sexual, domestic, or dating violence based on race, sex, gender identity, or gender expression, perceived or actual sexual orientation, age, color, religion, marital status, national origin, disability, socio-economic status, health status, HIV status, employment status, immigration status, or geographic location.

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