The Market Hours of Operation:  St. Teresa of Calcutta: CLOSED: 1/6/25, OPEN: 1/7/25, CLOSED: 1/8/25 – 01/17/25, resuming 1/21/2025. St. Juan Diego: CLOSED: 1/6/25 – 1/7/2025 OPEN: 1/8/25, CLOSED: 1/9/25 – 1/10/25, resuming 1/13/2025.

Irish Fest Sponsors
2024 Sponsorship

On Saturday, March 16th, 2024, Catholic Charities will be celebrating the 32nd Annual Irish Fest. This event is critical to bring in the needed funds, as it’s our largest fundraiser.

Irish Fest is truly a celebration of hope, strength, and resilience. It is a night to celebrate the Generations Catholic Charities has served, does serve, and will serve – by honoring the past, serving the present, and building for the future. We are excited to announce Beth Heineman Eliason, as our Event Chair this year!

Catholic Charities’ mission is to minister to the greatest and most fundamental needs of our community through our core programs and services. Whether it’s feeding the hungry, sheltering the abused, providing mental health services to the weary, and companionship to the lonely; Catholic Charities could not offer their life-changing, and sometimes life-saving services without you.

By the grace of God, and through continued generosity from sponsors like you – Catholic Charities continues to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ to all who come to us.

Plain and simple, you help Catholic Charities do great things by giving a small token with great love. Please consider Standing With Us as an Irish Fest Sponsor by returning the enclosed envelope or online by visiting no later than Friday, February 16th. 

We are incredibly grateful for your support. Thank you for supporting the critical work of Catholic Charities!

Denise Bartels, Executive Director
Beth Heineman Eliason, General Chair

For more info, contact Denise Bartels at 402-829-9218 or email

Sponsorship Levels
Sponsorship Letter





Non-Discrimination Statement Catholic Charities Domestic Violence Services prohibits discrimination in all its programs, services, and activities. Services will not be denied to victims of sexual, domestic, or dating violence based on race, sex, gender identity, or gender expression, perceived or actual sexual orientation, age, color, religion, marital status, national origin, disability, socio-economic status, health status, HIV status, employment status, immigration status, or geographic location.

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